October’s trick-or-treat brings new goodies in Advanced Web Ranking, such as Keyword Difficulty tool updates, the addition of the ‘Difficulty Score’ column in the Ranking and Comparison reports, and more. 

So let’s get right into it – use the sidebar on the right to jump to a particular update.

Keyword Difficulty Tool Updates

The Keyword Difficulty tool has just been enhanced with some new options:

– For all newly added projects, you will automatically get Difficulty data available with the first ranking update. 

– You can now schedule when the Difficulty scores are to be delivered, by choosing between the Weekly and Monthly frequency options.

Advanced Web Ranking, Keyword Difficulty tool

– You’ll now be able to start ranking and difficulty updates at once by checking the ‘Also run a keyword difficulty update’ option for the on-demand ranking updates.

Advanced Web Ranking, Also run a keyword difficulty update option

Keyword Difficulty Column

The keyword difficulty score is now available in the Ranking-Keywords and Comparison-Websites views. The newly added column shows an overall score of each selected keyword based on all three metrics: Domain, URL, and Content

You can now focus your SEO efforts on the most accessible keywords to optimize for, by filtering the results based on the keyword difficulty metric.

Advanced Web Ranking, Keyword Difficulty Column

UI/UX Improvements

Two new data visualization options are available in the table sections:

Toggle charts (which helps you focus on what’s important by showing/hiding chart sparklines in tables, where available).

Reset table (which allows you to start your analysis fresh by resetting the table section to its default preferences with no filters applied, default sorting, and columns in table).

Advanced Web Ranking,  Toggle charts option

Daily SERP Features Tool Update

The free SERP Features tool has also been updated recently, offering the option to switch to Daily updates (besides the existing Weekly ones). This helps you detect changes in SERP anatomy more rapidly (like the recent massive drop in PAA results) and act upon this information.

Advanced Web Ranking, SERP Features Tool

And that’s pretty much it for October! 🙂

Want to be up-to-date with all the new features and improvements that we add? Make sure to follow our changelog.

And of course, please reach out if you have any feedback on this. We’d love to hear your thoughts!

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